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In the spring of 1969, a group of SDS sympathizers performed a humorous guerrilla theater reenactment of the Night of Bayonets. Students pulled the strings of an effigy of President Marshall, mocking him as a puppet of the State Board of Regents.

Students gather in protest against the Vietnam War.

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The "Pig vs Freaks" football game pitted students against university staff and helped to alleviate tensions between the two groups.

"The Truthiest Truth of All"

This excerpt from the 1969 issue of Smoke Signals is a satirical representation of several individuals and groups of people within the university.

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During Jack Lieberman's (far right) trial in Moore auditorium after he tried to teach a course titled "How to Make a Revolution in the U.S.A." at the Center for Participant Education.

Students work together to save office furniture, papers, and art from fire and water damage.

Jack Lieberman was one of the most conspicuous student radicals on campus, often instigating disruptive activities and constantly challenging authority. His actions earned the nickname "Radical Jack."


Students protesting.

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Despite tensions between students and university administration, President Stanley Marshall took time to speak directly with the students and hear their concerns.
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