Florida Memory - John Buckley


Florida Memory - John Buckley


Select items from the John Buckley Collection in the Florida Memory's Photograph Collection.

Collection Items

FSU students standing with a Young Socialist Alliance political banner during an anti-war demonstration
Members of the Young Socialist Alliance partake in a campus demonstration against the Vietnam War.

Anti-war demonstration
Students march through Tallahassee to protest the Vietnam War.

Peace officers on the steps of the Capitol during the Free Sanford Rally
When students gathered outside the Capitol to protest the arrest of radical SDS member Phil Sanford, police officers lined up on the steps to keep the students from entering and to enforce order if necessary.

Florida State university students on a candlelight anti-war march
Students during the May 1972 candlelight march from Landis Green to the Governor's Mansion.

View of FSU students during the Free Sanford Rally
Students marching to the Capitol to protest the arrest and trial of SDS member Phil Sanford.

Scenes from the CPE Trial in Moore Auditorium
During Jack Lieberman's (far right) trial in Moore auditorium after he tried to teach a course titled "How to Make a Revolution in the U.S.A." at the Center for Participant Education.
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